Student Centric Pedagogies

NGI is a firm believer and practitioner of Student Centric Learning methodologies and styles when it comes to Instructional methods. The benefits which are observed by practicing Student-centric methods are vast and long term when compared to Teacher centric methods. Few outcomes and benefits are self-learning, critical thinking, self-actualization, improved quality of learning. Students are more receptive during the sessions, knowledge is imparted effectively across a spectrum of learners, and the development of higher cognitive skills in students to name a few.

Enlisted are few of the methodologies adapted to train students at NGI.

Skill Based Certifications

To meet the Industry demands for quality employment, NGI offers a variety of certification programmes to students as per their specialization to enhance their technical and hard skills. This not only makes them job-ready but also increases their knowledge and confidence which helps them to ace the interviews.

The certification programmes are delivered by Top and Reputed Experts and Training agencies for the relevancy of content and practical application. Few of the Certificate programmes offered are as follows:

Digital Marketing

In this, the student learns skills related to Website development with WordPress, Content Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Email Marketing etc.


It is one of the eminent and largest ERP solution provider and almost 80% of Forbes companies prefer ERP by SAP for their Marketing, Finance, HR and Operation functions.

Six Sigma Green Belt

The professional Six Sigma Green Belt training at NGI concentrates on all the 5 phases of productivity i.e. Define, Measure, Analyse, Improve and Control. This certification trains a professional in handling projects with a strategic approach and problem solving methods.

Business Intelligence

This refers to tools, technologies, applications and practices used to collect, integrate, analyze and present an organization’s raw data in order to create insightful and actionable business information.

MS Excel (Advanced)

It is considered as one of the best spreadsheet tool which is used for calculation, graphical representation of data, developing pivot charts, tables and much more.

Placements Readiness

A good and meaningful Placement is the desired outcome of any Management Programme and we at NGI don’t leave any stone unturned when it comes to hitting the bull’s eye. Placement preparation is a long and continuous process till finally the dream comes true for the students. Various elements of placement preparation are as follows

CV Preparation

Since every student is different and comes with different set of achievements, skills, internships, interests so we assist every student to align same in their CV which helps them during their interview process.

Mock Interviews

Multiple rounds of mock interviews are conducted with the students by Internal and external Experts to help students realise their performance, discuss areas of improvements till the students feels confident about himself/herself.

Mock GD’s

Since GD comes in various shapes and flavours so throughout the year, students undergo practice for same with different formats of GD with a range of topics

Aptitude preparation

Most of the renowned brands start their campus placement process with Aptitude testing so yearlong inputs on various topics are provided to students with regular mock tests to evaluate their performance.

Domain Input Sessions

To handle the domain/function related questions during the Interviews, we impart domain capsule sessions via our Practicing Functional Experts who provide the contemporary knowledge and trends in the domain and discuss practical applications of various core concepts.

Live Internships

Hands on and learning by observation is one of the best forms of learning. Our Industry partners offer short projects for 5-20 days where students are engaged in on-going projects of the companies which help students to learn in Live work environment under the supervision of experts.

Soft Skills and Leadership Training

The core objective of having 500 hours of Soft Skills training is to boost the Confidence of the student. Management is more about mastering Soft Skills along with the functional or technical skills as we deal with humans at the end of the day. At NGI we understand the importance of Soft Skills in the industry so a great emphasis is laid on developing and enhancing same. 500 hours journey of Soft Skills programme includes

Business Communication

This includes writing professional Emails, Meetings Management, Report writing, Creative writing, Art of Listening, Giving and Receiving Feedback.

Outbound Trainings

A large number of topics like Team Building, Problem Solving, Creativity are best taught on the Field and Outdoors.

Presentation Skills and Public Speaking

In the corporate one has to deliver lot of presentations like Product presentation, Policy presentations, Sales report presentations, Training presentations etc. so one should be comfortable around people and tools of same.

Personal Management

All management lessons starts with excellent self-management skills so we encourage students to practice self-management skills and train them on areas like Goal setting, Time management, Self- discipline, Grooming etc.

Leadership Lab

In this, students gets practical exposure to manage a group of people and ensure the completion of tasks. Understand various stages of team formation, identifying issues, conflicts and solve them.

General Awareness

Hands on and learning by observation is one of the best forms of learning. Our Industry partners offer short projects for 5-20 days where students are engaged in on-going projects of the companies which help students to learn in Live work environment under the supervision of experts.

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